
Reagents for environmental monitoring, bioassay, geochemistry, radiopharmacy and decommissioning

Posters and Presentations

Please find hereunder a selection of posters and presentations given during conferences and workshops. For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us









Illarion Doyhi, Anaëlle Vilboux, Marine Bas, Aude Bombard, Steffen Happel: On the development of a method for the separation of Terbium from elevated amounts of Gadolinium using TK221 and TK211/2 Resins. NOMRad conference, Warsaw (Poland), 25 - 27/06/2024


Aude Bombard. Extraction Chromatographic Resins, News Triskem International - Workshop Warsztaty Radiochemiczne, 22/23 May 2024



Inés Llopart Babot. New approach for 36Cl determination in solid samples using plastic scintillator materials- Workshop Warsztaty Radiochemiczne, 22/23 May 2024



Aude Bombard - Novedades Triskem Internacional

*IN SPANISH* Presented at XII Jornadas Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental



Steffen Happel. Einsatz extraktionschromatographischer Harze im Rahmen der Umwelt- und Inkorporationsanalytik. MirionWorkshop Alphaspektrometrie. Münster - 24.04.2024



Steffen Happel, Application of extraction chromatographicresinsin the separation of actinides, SANDA –workshop on actinide target preparation and characterization –the need for radioanalytical chemistry, Geel, 06/12/2023



Steffen Happel. Application of SR and PB Resin in the determination of Pb-210 and Po-210. EVT2204728 “2023 Training Workshop of IAEA’s ALMERA Network on Advanced Topics in Radiochemistry Techniques: Lead-210 and Polonium-210” 11/10/2023



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